zondag 4 november 2007

[Re]Filling the [W]Holes

Definitions for Poems

Aesthetical Abuses of Truth

Abusive Aesthe tics of Trut[1] h

True A bus ive Aesthetics

True Aesthe tic al[l] A bus es

De finit I ons for Poet[2] s

Aesthetical A bus er s of T rut[3] h

A bus I' ve Aes theticians of Trut h

True Abusive Aestheticians

True Aesthetic Ab Use rs

A.A. 2007

[1] prejorative of hole;cunt(NL)
[2] lute, criminal gotten goods
[3] slang, having no money, being broke(NL)

1 opmerking:

Phanero Noemikon zei

this is great.

i've been pointing out to
people that "crime"

is "sea rime"

as in the Ancient M.ar(k)in er(ro(a)r..

C being light..

You'll notice as well
that Hermes was the god of Thieves
and that Jesus was strung up beside some criminals..

If you think about it,
the "justice system"
is really a way of arranging
people because we've all already received a "life sentence"..

and the way this works
goes along with certain notions
of 'pollution' which are primal
in human psychology.

crime is very close to
and sure enough
g was a late edition

the orminian or original g
"old g" in gangsta terms
was a horned g..

now through pharmakonics
we can immediately see

both demon (bad guy) or
daimon (good guy)

demon goes off to join with
demonstration (showing the monster)
daimon simply ascends into
a rigid crystallization or abstraction as in diamond
or maybe daikon

the k replacing the m
or the m replacing the k

my king

whatever it must say,
the machinery of the yoke
is a baroque wonder to be sure.
