Tant est Nature en volonté puissante
et volenteuse en son foible povoir,
Que bien souvent a son vueil blandissante,
Se voit par soy grandement decevoir.
A mon instinct je laisse concevoir
Un doulx souhait, qui, non encore bien né,
Est de plaisirs nourry, & gouverné,
Se puissant puis de chose plus haultaine,
Lors estant creu en desir seffrené,
Plus je l’attire & plus a soy m’entraine.
I’d gladly get on top of you and drive the stake
Were it not for all thy slipperiness and the lack
Of distinction betwixt the meat that is you (1),
the meat that is you within the larvae (2), and (3)
The meat already flying about and getting ready
To lay more eggs in (4) the meat still wildly boasting
that your words on paper will outlast the undead
eyes aye I’s that stare into the light of screens, ai ai
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